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The Artful Wooden Spoon

A really nice book to read, I often go back to this book for hints and tips but also to be inspired to carve more wooden utensils myself.


6 Months to 6 Figures

I like to read material that inspires me, motivates me and encourages me to push forward in life. I came across this book online and decided to give it a read. "No...before you ask, I don't make 6 figures, not even close."

but this book has helped me stay or get back on the track I want to be on. It's much more than a book about money and that's why I enjoy it.


The Table Maker: A Carpenter's Guide to Life

Another book I enjoyed reading on my down days when I'm not in the workshop. I recommend it for both pleasure and education. It's a nice mix.



I have recently been using Notion as my go to platform for organising my projects, YouTube videos and commissions. Notion offers organizational tools including task management, project tracking, to-do lists, bookmarking, and more and I would recommend this platform to anyone who needs a better way to manage their personal or business life. It has both desktop and mobile app capability which is perfect for me in and out of the workshop and on the go.

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The Woodworker Magazine

I have many issues of 'The Woodworker' magazines. On a subscription, I receive a new magazine every month. It's a nice little goody every few weeks! I mainly read these for pleasure but have found some hints, tips and inspiration for projects too which is nice.

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South Wales, UK

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